Friday, December 7, 2012

& we're off!

It's noon on a Friday and I have yet to get dressed.  Mind you, this is despite having laid around in bed for far longer than is generally acceptable, all the while planning out the productive tasks I was going to take on, just as soon as I moved from my blanket cocoon.  An hour and a half after the fact, and here I am, staring out the window in between sentences.  Nobody tackles a to-do list the way I do.

A few days ago, I was wandering around Whole Foods on my lunch break.  Every day I tell myself that I'm going to be the best decisions for my health, and eat only the purist of foods and fill my body with nutrients.  I'll spend plenty of time day dreaming about the beautiful salad I'm going to throw together, followed by the bitter-but-beneficial concoction of juices I'll wash it all down with.  You'll feel so good!  You'll have so much energy!  You'll be so alert and focused!  I can get this plan partway off the ground, until I've actually stepped foot in the grocery store where I've planned to make these wise and careful decisions. 

Cue the comforting aromas of freshly baked donuts.  Cue the decorator rolling out the cart filled with whatever hot foods they've prepared for the next few hours.  Cue my will power hailing a taxi and getting the hell out of Dodge.  Take this beautiful imagery, and apply to every other facet of my life.  Nothing could be more accurate.  I find myself inspired to better myself, better the world, Get Shit Done, but the moment I smell warm dough covered in a sugary glaze, handed down to us by the pastry gods themselves, all of my good intentions fly (sprint, rather) out the door.  Next thing you know, I'm double fisting an apple fritter and a fresh baguette.  My intentions were so good, I just took a nose dive right at the last second. 

aI guarantee you there is no part of my life where this Good Intentions Turned Nose Dive Failure does not apply.

I'm 23.  It's about time I made a concerted effort to be a goddamn adult and stick to my guns.  I invite you to join me on what is sure to be a clusterfuck of a journey.  Let's see how beautifully I can screw more things up, shall we?